Firing an employee who does not expect it is often the impetus for that employee filing a discrimination lawsuit against his or her former employer. When the employee does not see it coming, he or she can think the termination is discriminatory. Clear and blunt...
Letting Experts Help You With Your Business
Very often entrepreneurs try to go it on their own—after all, the business was their idea and they have the know-how necessary to delivery their product or service. However, letting experts help you with areas where they have the necessary know-how can save you time,...
You Wouldn’t Drive Through A Red Light—Would You?
Chances are you stop at red lights, signal before turning and know when to yield. Motor vehicle laws are generally clear and specific and we all need to pass a test to get our drivers’ license. Before you hired your first employee, however, nobody tested you on the...
Letting Professionals Help You With Your Business
Very often entrepreneurs try to go it on their own—after all, the business was their idea and they have the know-how necessary to deliver their product or service. However, letting professionals help you with areas where they have the necessary know-how can save you...